"Become aware of being aware. Say or think I am and add nothing. Be mindful of the stillness that follows the "I am". Feel your presence " – Ramana Maharshi
Ever since we were old enough to stand in front of a mirror the same being has been staring into the mirror. As the years roll by the image changes and the experiences build history and the mind accrues information. The looker has remained the same. The I that has experienced all of these myriad of experiences has remained the same. The I that has witnessed all of the mind’s thoughts has not changed one iota from all of these thoughts. Thoughts come and go, experiences come and go, physicality comes and goes but I, the experiencer, the looker, remains the same. This is the I Am. Culturally we are taught to identify with the thoughts, feelings, the body, i.e. the experience, when in reality we are the experiencer, the I Am, Awareness, Consciousness, that which always is. A shift in focus from what is being experienced to the experiencer that is witnessing the experiences creates a paradigm shift. I was walking down the street being aware of being aware when ‘my world’ exploded into pure Love and Absolute safety. Being aware of being aware, if practiced regularly, aligns one with the Truth of our Being, our Divinity, and takes one into a realm of silence/ peace/stillness and of living life intuitively. Living from this place naturally places one right in the present moment. Becoming identified with this I Am is freedom. The world can be experiencing all kinds of tribulations but one who is practicing being Awareness is in this world but not of it. Living in Awareness, from the I Am, is Grace.
“There is nothing outside that is not within you. This is something that should be remembered all of the time. You should always be aware of this. There is nothing out there that is not within here. If you understand this totally where do you have to go? Whom do you have to see? What do you have to read? What is there to do? You can simply sit and be the universe and bask in glory and total love, total joy.” -Robert Adams
The power for harmony is within us. It is us. It is me. It is you. The Divine spark dwells within. It is the Christ within each of us. Even this is a limited perception of Divinity as God is infinite Omnipresence, as Robert said “there is nothing outside that is not within you.” Everything is you. The Earth is you, the Sun is you, the animals are you, the insects are you and even the politicians are you. The bad guys and the good guys are you. I am you. Your I Am is Everything. So no matter what you are perceiving it can be seen from the perspective I am you. Remembering this is the most powerful path to harmony and existing in Grace. We are more than all connected, we are all One. In this Ultimate Reality of Oneness there is no us and them. When I have issues with another I remember there is no other and am reassured that all issues are resolved. I am constantly amazed at the resolutions that happen when I fully embrace this knowing. It’s all God and there is no separation.
Right now in this dream experience of ours there are no adults in the driver’s seat. The only remedy to the mess that is being created is to turn to the Truth that there is no other, there is only God. If we stop pointing the finger at others, stop taking positions against or for and stop trying to control, and instead see Divine harmonious Reality as the only existence, that there is no ‘other’, we can transform this dream mess. This is, for me, the purpose of this dream of a mess, Awakening and transformation through God Awareness. Any other response only separates us and the more controlling we are, the more out of control things get. The state of the dream world is really, really out of control. There are so many positions to take, really righteous ones. But positions are not Ultimate solutions. As individuals there is such a sense of helplessness when confronted with what is taking place. As God all is possible. God is the field of unlimited potentiality, all contained within the infinite present moment. Anything can unfold at any ‘time’. I am not intimating here that participation should stop. As Eckhart Tolle has said who knows what one will say or do if they are truly in the present moment. Living life from the ‘I Am You’ simply means living from guidance and therefore Grace, living the Divine harmonious orchestration.
As much as this dream appears to be a mess there is a great awakening happening on several levels. Many are being shaken awake to the reality of what has been going on right under our noses. In my life that has never taken place in comfort.
It is funny but way before I had this spiritual knowledge I worked with people in a transformative healing way using dream interpretation. I still do. I have the person I am working with tell me their dream and then I have them go back and take facets of the dream and tell the dream from the I am. I am the dog, I am the lightning, I am the ocean, whatever and then describe the dog, the lightning, the ocean using I am. I am the ocean I am deep, I am expansive, I create waves but they are not separate from me etc. It is incredibly revealing and freeing to do this exercise. Everything in a dream is you. Everything. If I was in your dream I would, in fact, be you. On this level everything in the living dream is you also. If you want to be free from the emotional entanglements with the aspects of the mess that bother you the most this can be a powerful way to work with this symbolic mirror. Watch where you finger is pointing, become aware of what has the most emotional charges. I believe it is possible that if we want to heal the mess we must also heal our internal mess. This is a huge gift. I am the mess is a very brave journey. If in the sleeping dream you have a repeating image come up and you work on it you will find either the image will leave your dream realm or your relationship to it will change in the dream. Believe it or not the same can happen in this dream we are living. It has happened in my life. So on this level the material is the spiritual. It is all I Am You.
‘For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.’ Matthew 18:20
There is power in numbers where/when those grounded in Divine Reality gather. It need not have anything to do with locale. It is about prayer, and the prayer I Am You is very powerful. Let us gather there. The more Realized the understanding is of this concept the more powerful. How does this Realization occur? It happens through practice, desire, intention, focus and the request that the Grace of this Realization be visited upon you. Any level of Realization is bestowed upon us by Grace and Grace alone. No amount of efforting will bring about realization. I believe showing up for it is important. Empty yourself to receive the fullness of the Grace of God. Empty yourself to receive the Silence. Ask that it come to your Awareness. If emptiness feels impossible to achieve ask that emptiness be given to you. Ask that Grace infuse itself, as harmony into this appearance of a mess. If many of us are doing this it is powerful. We must remember that we have no idea what needs to take place, what harmony looks like. There is a paradox here, God is and God is harmony and God is All so all is harmony already and by showing up for Awakening we effect the field of isness, the all. We have answered the call, the call to remember we are God.
Ultimately there is no dream. There is only I AM.
‘I AM YOU’, 60”x48”, Oil on board, Collection of artist. www.katherinetreffinger.com
I am currently accepting clients. www.ourlivingdream.com